Sunday, April 25, 2004

Oh gosh.

It has been a satisfying day, though I didn't finish everything I intended to do. In fact this weekend has more than made up for my absolutely HORRID week. Now I need to get to work on some things. Namely, getting my taxes filed. Getting my shots for the Africa trip.... getting a load of laundry done.

There's a possibility that there will be a change with my new job. It would be a very good change, with more manageable hours, and nearly a hundred extra bucks every month. Instead of working those two brutal nights every other week, I'd be working an hour and a half, monday to thursday, every week. This would be better for everyone involved. so I'm praying it works out.

Today I attended a barbecue at a friend's place, and took Abu with. She got a real kick playing with the bichon frishe named Annie that lives there..... though Abu certainly couldn't keep up with Annie's speed or energy level, it was good to see her having fun with another job, and getting lots of exercise without having to excercise myself.

Now, of course, Abut is crashed out on her blanket, getting lots of rest so she can wake up at bedtime.

God has been teaching me about boundaries, and what sort of people to not allow inside. I'm allowed to have my space, and I'm allowed to protect it. You too.


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