Sunday, February 08, 2004

Back a day early. I worked so hard on shovelling the walk that I simply had to sit down with a pepsi and read some stuff. Then because I was so lonely in the house by myself, I thought I might chat a bit. Then I thought since I was here I might as well say hello.

Yesterday while sitting and writing in my notebook, a million memories came back to me. I wrote them down as a collection of stories and life lessons. I titled it "Everything I need to know, I learned from a German Shepherd." It's about the dog that raised me. Once I polish it up I'll make it available for reading.

Spending my days in front of the tv and computer make me feel like a drone, it's true. It felt good to be a human again, but today I almost regret it. It's left me feeling a little raw..... a little sensitive..... a little over emotional. And I know what's bugging me, but I'm not gonna tell you. Instead, I'm gonna numb my mind with the endless yammering of superstation and yak on msn. I'm starting to understand something about myself which is normal and fine but is hard to acknowledge.

Humans are an odd breed. Odder yet is the fact that I am one of them. Most infuriating is my inability to escape my humanity. I didn't sign up for this. Yet here I am.

Sometime tonight I have to go fill my car with gas. Oooooh, an outing. How exciting!!


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