Wednesday, November 19, 2003


I feel better. I'm camped out here at my friend's place to keep her company during this tough time. I'll be here for a couple days. It seems like the emotional exhaustion I've been fighting has been subsiding, even since arriving here...... I think that this is just where I need to be right now.

For those of you who aren't familiar with the situation..... suffice to say that domestic violence has touched the life of a very close friend of mine, who I love very very much.... and my mother bear complex is flaring up in true passive aggressive form.

I can't help but question things I haven't battled with for quite some time..... things like trust. Things like safety and vulnerability withing relationships, especially a relationship as intense as marriage. Something I don't have to worry about quite yet (And I don't think Clarkie will lose her mind and beat me up) but even so. All sorts of things are flying through my mind while I try to figure out what I can do, how I can help.

She says it's enough that I'm here.

I think she's right.


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