Sunday, November 23, 2003

Ari Goes Down was funny last night. Go check it out.

I'd just like to sleep all day, but as it turns out, I'm on call this weekend, and I got a pager call about 9-ish this morning regarding a set of keys that had been dropped down an elevator shaft over at the building.

Well now, how should I handle this?

Step One: call the stupid tenant who's not bright enough to have an extra set of keys hanging in his kitchen and tell him he'll have to wait till monday? Nnnnnnnnot exactly. Call him and listen to him try to intimidate me with things like NEED BY 4:30 and BREAK INTO THE ELEVATOR SHAFT WITH A CHAINSAW. If he has to, he says, but he'd rather not.

Okay, so he needs his keys. I call the elevator maintenance service where I'm told that it will cost in excess of $100 to make an extra call on a sunday to fish some keys out of an elevator. Fine. I call the tenant. He'll pay the $100, if he has to, but not a penny more. No, he can't see the keys. No, he can't put a magnet on a broomstick. Yes, his mother lives in the same building, but no, he has not given her any spare keys. 20 minutes listening this ass talk, until finally I interrupt him "Okay, bottom line, do you want me to call the guys or not? There's nothing that I can do." yeah he says, call them, but not a penny over $100.

Great. I call the elevator guys. It will definitely cost closer to $200 since they charge double time, an hour flat rate from the get-go, plus travel time, and since it's not part of the contract with our company, the tenant will definitely be responsible for all of it.

Grrrrrr........GRRRRRRRR....... Goodmorning, how was your sleep, great! had any coffee, no? why not call a difficult tenant just for kicks and help him get his keys which he NEEDS by 4:30. Better yet, why not drive in yourself, risk your life by crawling into the elevator shaft yourself? It's sunday morning. You were going to drop by church?? Not anymore.

Between frustrated tenants, expensive technicians, one coworker, my boss, a million phone calls......... I'd have to say I started this morning on the wrong foot. I've made some tea. Now I'm waiting for the phone call that will tell me it's taken care of and I can do the paperwork and get on with my morning. Hopefully that will leave me with enough time to catch the individual at church that I simply must speak with.

Mmmmmm..... tea. Forget it. I'm not leaving the house.


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