Monday, February 07, 2005

My boss..... ugh! Some days I just want to turn around and walk away from him. Not a word, just get my jacket, my bag, my keys, and walk out the door. Why? Because he's a jackass. Just your standard run of the mill male bigot. We all know how I love bigots. A good day at work is one where I don't have to look at or hear him.

If I do have to look at or hear him, a shipment from Columbia House can correct the problem. A box of DVD's will fix everything right up. "Kill Bill Volume 2" is no longer so lonely, now that Volume 1 has joined it. The Charlie's Angels Duo is complete. The Matrix is two thirds of the way there. "Honey" soothes my Jessica Alba craving since I can't stay up late enough to watch Dark Angel.

I was watching "A Walk to Remember".... (I know.... don't say it) and there was an interesting quote, though I can't remember who it's by. "What is a friend? One soul dwelling in two bodies." Reflecting on that quote made me feel aggravated. The movie itself leaves one feeling frustrated.

I have to take my vitamins, and get to bed.


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